About Zeenath


I’m Zeenath, and my role is to help you live a life that lights you up — one where you feel excited about the days ahead, empowered to navigate challenges with ease, and experience deep and meaningful connections.

I came to this work through my own quest for inner healing and growth. Life presented me with relationship challenges in my late twenties. I felt as if I was at the end of my rope. Through body integration, therapy, and the practice of self-love, I began to see and experience what it is like to be my authentic self. I began to experience joy and love without feeling trapped or abandoned. I was able to understand from a high level how and why I was reacting to life in the ways that I did.

I love being a wife and mother of two young adults. My own coaching work has enabled me to shift my relationship as a wife and mother to truly connect without control and expectations. When I feel triggered, I allow the witnessing of myself and get curious about the “why”. With this new sense of power, my marital and parental connections are enriched.

I began studying yoga, breath, and meditation over 25 years ago. I then became certified with Dr. Shefali's Conscious Parenting Method™ Certification Program (CPMCP)™. I have found that weaving the breath, meditation, and movement created tremendous healing in my body and helped me cultivate a more peaceful, abundant way of living. I realized that so many others need help understanding how to integrate these tools from Western psychology and Eastern wisdom. This led me to create Zenergy Life Coaching.

The name “Zenergy” comes from my own name “Zeenath” (loved ones call me “Zee”) combined with the word “energy” — which is the most powerful resource we have as sovereign beings. It is my greatest hope that I can help you experience a life that is aligned with your deepest desires and truths.